Hadeland Lag Genealogy-Website Donation Form

Make your check out to the Hadeland Lag and mail it with this form to:

Barb Schmitt
1006  Aston Circle
Burnsville MN 55337


   Name __________________________________________________________________


   Mailing Address __________________________________________________________


   City  _________________________________________         State/Province __________


   Zip/Postal Code _________________       Country _______________________________


   E-mail ____________________________________________ 



Thank you for your tax deductible donation to the Genealogy-Website Fund!
Amount Enclosed:  $     















The Hadeland Lag of America, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Minnesota.  The IRS has

granted 501(c)3 tax exempt status.  Your donation to the Genealogy-Website Improvement Fund is tax deductible, and

the Lag will send you a receipt for your tax records.